Calculate geometric mean
Calculate geometric mean

Supported arguments are type ( "norm", "basic", "stud", "perc", "bca"), parallel and the number of bootstrap replicates R. Defaults to FALSE.įurther arguments are passed to the boot function. Logical, indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds. "left" would be analogue to a hypothesis of "greater" in a t.test. Default is NA.Ī character string specifying the side of the confidence interval, must be one of "two.sided" (default), "left" or "right". The value should be any subset of the values "classic", "boot".Ĭonfidence level of the interval. An object which is not a vector is coerced (if possible) by as.vector.Ī vector of character strings representing the type of intervals required. Sides = c("two.sided","left","right"), na.rm = FALSE. Usage Gmean(x, method = c("classic", "boot"), conf.level = NA,

  • CochranArmitageTest: Cochran-Armitage Test for TrendĬalculates the geometric mean, its confidence interval and the geometric standard deviation of a vector x.
  • Coalesce: Return the First Element Not Being NA.
  • Clockwise: Calculates Begin and End Angle From a List of Given Angles in.
  • CCC: Concordance Correlation Coefficient.
  • CartToPol: Transform Cartesian to Polar/Spherical Coordinates and Vice.
  • BubbleLegend: Add a Legend to a Bubble Plot.
  • BrierScore: Brier Score for Assessing Prediction Accuracy.
  • BreuschGodfreyTest: Breusch-Godfrey Test.
  • BreslowDayTest: Breslow-Day Test for Homogeneity of the Odds Ratios.
  • BoxCoxLambda: Automatic Selection of Box Cox Transformation Parameter.
  • BootCI: Simple Bootstrap Confidence Intervals.
  • BinomRatioCI: Confidence Intervals for the Ratio of Binomial Proportions.
  • BinomDiffCI: Confidence Interval for a Difference of Binomials.
  • BinomCIn: Sample Size for a Given Width of a Binomial Confidence.
  • BinomCI: Confidence Intervals for Binomial Proportions.
  • BhapkarTest: Bhapkar Marginal Homogeneity Test.
  • Between: Operators To Check, If a Value Lies Within Or Outside a Given.
  • BaseConversions: Converts Numbers From Binmode, Octmode or Hexmode to Decimal.
  • BarText: Place Value Labels on a Barplot.
  • BartelsRankTest: Bartels Rank Test of Randomness.
  • BarnardTest: Barnard's Unconditional Test.
  • axTicks.POSIXct: Compute Axis Tickmark Locations (For POSIXct Axis).
  • AxisBreak: Place a Break Mark on an Axis.
  • Atkinson: Atkinson Index - A Measure of Inequality.
  • Asp: Get Aspect Ratio of the Current Plot.
  • AscToChar: Convert ASCII Codes to Characters and Vice Versa.
  • calculate geometric mean

    AndersonDarlingTest: Anderson-Darling Test of Goodness-of-Fit.AllIdentical: Test Multiple Objects for Exact Equality.AllDuplicated: Index Vector of All Values Involved in Ties.Agree: Raw Simple And Extended Percentage Agreement.

    calculate geometric mean

    AddMonthsYM: Add a Month to a Date in YearMonth Format.Abstract: Display Compact Abstract of a Data Frame.ABCCoords: Coordinates for "bottomright", etc.If even one point is zero, the mean is zero, which provides little useful information, and if one or more points is negative, even if the mean is possible to calculate, the result would have little relavence to the actual data, since the same result would be obtained if different numbers in the set were negative.įor more information about geometric means, visit our reference unit on Pythagorean Means. The second way is to say that a geometric mean is of no practical value unless all the points are positive. The first way is that if you have an even number of data points, and an odd number of those points is negative, this will result in an even root of a negative number, which is not defined. Under what circumstances will a geometric mean not exist? There are two ways of answering this question. Geometric means are always less than or equal to the arithmetic mean of the same number. ExplanationThe geometric mean is obtained by taking the product of the data points, and then taking the n th root of the product, where n is the number of points in the set. Geometric Mean Please enter data above to calculate the geometric mean.

    Calculate geometric mean